After more than one year of uncertainty where people’s lives have been changed and forced to adapt to new situations and trends, society has been in a transition phase influencing both social settings and working environments. Like in the past, marketing companies must always be prepared for change and ready to adapt to the new circumstances. Furthermore, it is vital for these companies to quickly understand the new trends society is following. Check out some of my favorites that we will be adapting to here at White Water Agency. What would you add?
After living through a global pandemic, it became more and more clear how the virtual world is the only way for us to keep in contact with society while forced to stay at home or in closed environments. Social media and digital platforms are a key component in keeping the economy moving, especially when it comes to events. Let’s take as an example the David Guetta “United at Home” virtual concert in Miami, Florida on April 18, 2020. This whole event took place right in the middle of the pandemic period and served as a fundraiser for those in need in these challenging times. This whole event was streamed live on Instagram TV and without the availability of these livestreams it could have never happened.

Marketing companies will gather more ownership in the future of all goods and services they help sell. This is directly related to the fact that if a company needs help to sell a product, it is merely the fact that the marketing company is the one being able to deliver the product to a demanding customer base. Furthermore, society is so variate nowadays that it is becoming harder and harder for companies to target the right audience. In addition to this, marketing companies help increase the value of a product which then leads to the main company increasing their wealth and then benefitting both companies.
Artificial Intelligence is modifying the whole aspect of influencers and their trends. From Content Curation and Generation to Chatbots and Predictive Analytics, A.I. in Marketing is here to stay. In fact, these new A.I. components manage to read and see certain trends that humans would struggle to recognize. Furthermore, what makes these so special, is the fact that these results can be obtained instantly whereas, it would take many human hours to collect and analyze.
The future of Third-party cookies is not looking great. With this new consumer base in constant demand of more privacy, Cookies are not a great reliable source able to provide this.
In February of last year, a Google blog post announced the phaseout and gave initial reasoning for the pivot. “Users are demanding greater privacy–including transparency, choice, and control over how their data is used–and it’s clear the web ecosystem needs to evolve to meet these increasing demands,” the blog wrote. Although Firefox and Safari had already phased out the third-party cookie, Google said that its changes will happen over the course of two years as the tech company works with advertisers to ensure that this pivot doesn’t destroy the online advertising business.
Creating hyper-targeted ads will be the new way to go and make sure to step up your keyword game.

Non-Profits are becoming more and more important in the marketing world. First, because through these companies can reach out to and help subjects in need. Furthermore, with these non-profits marketing companies can expand their customer base and grow their network improving the PR and reputation across the globe. It is extremely important, however, to make sure that there are specific marketing and PR goals put in place and not only the commitment of supporting a non-profit organization for the company’s reputation.

Common social media platforms are becoming more and more often new online shopping platforms. Clearly, we can notice how easy it has become to see an ad on Instagram, and with just a couple of clicks, we find ourselves purchasing an item on its website. Through payments and plans, social media can 100% become a marketing tool and platform for companies to sell their products.
One great example is from our own client, Zack Zombie Publishing, the author of the best-selling children’s book DIARY OF A MINECRAFT ZOMBIE. We created a strategic Facebook and Instagram shopping platform so parents children and teachers see the ad and are able to buy directly without even leaving the page.
What digital marketing trends do you predict will significantly impact your business in the upcoming year?
Our industry is constantly changing. We think the above tactics and ideas are going to be huge game-changers for the foreseeable future. What do you think? What marketing trends are you predicting? Tweet us your trends and predictions on social media and if you need help, give us a shout!