
In the dynamic world of marketing, understanding the human decision-making process is a valuable tool. It turns out, we must be persuaded somehow because decision making takes too much work. So, we look at other types of cues that influence us to make a decision, like how many people are using the services, how many reviews there are, or how many followers the companies have. As an integrated marketing company, we strive to optimize our clients experience and the integration of psychology in consumer behavior has become a marketing strategy that is successful. We thought Whitewater should pass down some of our secret strategies.

Cognitive biases accompanied by social proof is a way to persuade clients into certain decisions. Limited time offers, promotions or listing multiple unique services for a price that is negotiable or hard-to-come-across compared to other expensive companies is capitalizing on cognitive biases. Exploiting price comparisons and providing the various services that your company has compared to others, steers your company into their first option. Promotions also tap into “FOMO,” known as fear of missing out, so that consumers will want to act fast. We utilize social proof to showcase our services in action, past and present clients, certifications, etc. to show authenticity and credibility to show that our services offered are effective.

Personalization is key for helping clients understand. In psychology, information overload tends to be stressful and confusing, making information hard to digest. Evaluating the client and tailoring certain services they are lacking and providing different content to each client enhances the experience and establishes a sense of understanding. This increases the likelihood of consumers wanting to switch to what your clients offer, boosting their sales, and social impact.

cognitive behavior strategies

The most important one for last is “Neuromarketing.” This is how the brain responds to visual stimuli and how this can be leveraged into how consumers process and give their undivided attention. For example, we help our clients invest in different fonts, logo designs, and colors to provide a visual story that embodies the brand’s identity. 

Green is a bolder color that shows health, harmony, and wealth. It’s a playful color for clients that target children and adults.

Gray is a color that shows practicality, timelessness, and sophistication, which would be for a client that has been around longer and targets more adults.

Blue is a color that shows wisdom, respectability, and spirituality which could be used for inspiring service like health care and medical clients. Advanced settings.

As we know, the marketing industry is always evolving but psychology will remain a powerful strategy that gives marketers the potential to create not only successful campaigns but meaningful and long-lasting connections like ours here at Whitewater marketing agency.

If you have any more questions or have anything to add, reach out to me on Twitter: @Rgluckstern