If you’re anything like me, someone who fears public speaking, then you definitely don’t want to have all eyes on you. But if you’re a company or business who wants to grow and thrive in an ever-changing climate, you crave as much attention and visibility as possible. But how exactly do you achieve this level of attention and visibility that you deserve? A great place to start is with your SEO…Unlike the public speaking fear that lives buried deep within me, your business will thrive off of the attention it receives as a result of a high SEO.
Continue reading to learn 5 reasons why having a good SEO is important to the success of your business.

1. You’ve got to stay up-to-date
As I mentioned before, instant gratification is at an all-time high in today’s society. In order to stay relevant you have to be willing to be adaptable. If on your agenda for the day, you know you have a meeting at 12pm, it doesn’t matter if it’s face-to-face, on Zoom, or via phone call, you have to be prepared (dressed and ready) just the same. You have to be able to adapt to the changing times; you must be willing to use Zoom or whatever other platform is suggested for the meeting.
Your SEO is no different. You must be able to and willing to update with the changing times in order to best optimize your views and success. Especially in recent years, where more things than ever are online, you want to be relevant on the internet by having a high SEO. Your SEO will thank you (and so will my fear of public speaking).
2. Your business isn’t on page one…What’s the point then?
I don’t know about you, but it’s rare for me to scroll to the bottom of the Google page and it’s even rarer that I click to the next page on Google. It is due to the instant gratification that is so deeply ingrained in our society that having your website on page one is essential to your success. In order to gain clicks, increase engagement, and grow your company or product it is essential that you are on page one.

3. It’s worth the “Investment!”
I use the word investment here because when you choose to put money and resources into your SEO, you are making an investment that will only aid you in the future. We invest in all sorts of things with the hopes of a better future, whether it’s investing in your health by exercising everyday or investing in that pricier pair of jeans- just because you know they’ll last forever. Investing in your SEO is no different. When you do it, that is the difference between your company remaining stagnant and your company surpassing their annual goal (of sales or clicks!).

4. You Want To Be Trusted, Don’t You?
A core part of any relationship is trust. As we all know, trust in any relationship takes a long time to build. Your SEO works the same way. Your brand’s authenticity and consumer trust are important to your growth and success. Like any relationship, forming this trust in your company doesn’t happen overnight and it takes effort to maintain it. It needs continual work and maintenance.
5. Last But Not Least… Your Credibility
Having a high SEO gives your brand a strong set of feet to stand on. What business doesn’t crave credibility? It’s an essential part to your growth as a company.
So, What Now?
Your SEO matters. You need to be on Google’s first page. This can only be achieved with a high SEO. It’s worth your investment of time or money; the payoff will be rewarding. Your company’s trust and credibility are reliant on your reputation and in turn your SEO. Stay relevant. Invest in your SEO.
Your SEO isn’t just a one and done situation. Ingrained in your entire marketing company- social media management, content creation, retargeting and backlinking. So, what do you do with all of this information? Stay tuned for the next blog to learn how to improve your business’ SEO.

Here at White Water Agency, a primary focus is ensuring your company has a strong SEO. We even offer you the ability to check your SEO for FREE. Click the button below or contact us for a complimentary consult.