Looking to find a way to drive more traffic online? Need ideas for spring sales? Whatever your goals are for the start of this season, the content below can help you make April the best month of your year!

Content Ideas for April

Remove the Stress

There is enough that you have to worry about on a daily basis, don’t make remembering to send an email another one. Take some time at the start of the month to prep your messages, then set them up to be sent automatically. One less thing to worry about forgetting!

Help the Planet

Between Earth Day, Arbor Day, and a month dedicated to spring, gardening, and a planet in bloom, April is a great time to give back to the planet and your community. Start a fundraiser to give back to the community, or collect donations for an eco-friendly cause. Don’t forget, emails help save paper too!

Family First

With National Siblings Day it’s a great time to oer promotions for families to come together. Offering a discount or coupon that promotes 2-for-1, buy 1 get one half off, or something similar, helps you be the easy choice for families and siblings well after the first visit.

The pandemic has resulted in a steady increase in global email usage. It’s expected to increase from 4 billion in 2020 to 4.6 billion by 2025.

April Holidays

April 1: April Fool’s Day

April 2: Nature Day

April 7: World Health Day

April 9: U.S. Easter

April 11: National Pet Day

April 14: Day of Silence

April 15: World Art Day

April 18: Tax Day

April 22: Earth Day

April 28: Arbor Day

April Themes

Spring has Sprung

Lawn and Garden Month

National Volunteer Month

Celebrate Diversity Month

Stress Awareness Month

National Humor Month

Automated emails generate up to 320% more revenue than non-automated emails.

Spring into the summer by giving us a call to schedule a complimentary consult on your email marketing needs. (561) 268-2539 or email us below. PLUS ASK US HOW TO GET A 30% OFF DISCOUNT!